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Friday, January 1, 2010

The DSi

Hello and welcome back to Miss. Cellaneous Life! Happy New Year! I haven't been able to write a lot recently because of school work, but I'll be out until Tuesday. Today, I'll be talking about my favorite electronic: the Nintendo DSi.

The Nintendo DSi is a video game system, the most advanced of its kind. It has many new features. The screens are bigger, for one. One of my favorite features is the camera. Ok, it isn't as high tech as most other cameras theses days, but it's more than enough for a kid of my age. With the DSi Camera, you can take pictures (obviously) and edit them with eleven different tools. When you're satisfied with your picture, you can upload it on Facebook for everyone to see.

Another new feature is the DSi Sound tool. With the newly upgraded microphone, you can record sounds and edit them to be higher and faster, lower and slower, or higher and slower and lower and faster. There are also other effects that make your sound seem like you're speaking into an electric fan, a tunnel, or like you have background singers singing higher, lower, or at the same pitch. Another effect is that you can make it sound like a bird, or a robot. You can also make your sound like different instruments. If you have an SD card, you can listen to and play with your favorite tunes.

The DSi has updated Internet capability, so you can use the internet, no matter your security settings. With the web browser, you can surf the web and check e-mails with ease.

The last new feature is the DSiWare Shop. This is much like the WiiWare Channel. Here, you use an internet connection to buy and download games, tools, and special features to help you make the most out of your DSi experience.

Well, there you have it. See you next time and Happy New Year!

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